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(240) 222-1700

We buy houses in any condition. No realtors, no fees, no commissions, no repairs & don’t clean. Get Your No-Obligation All Cash Offer Started Below!

Steps To Get Your "Cash Offer Price" In Writing:

From the time you complete the form below, within 8 business hours, you'll receive your Cash Offer Price in writing. Or we will immediately PayPal you $100 as our penalty! Unlike most, we guarantee not to waste your time.

Step 1 - We aim to solve the frustration of a Cash Sale

Sadly, the real estate industry, and even worse, the real estate investor community is crawling with unsavory characters. From wholesalers pretending to be True Cash Buyers, when they're not, to giant hedge funds treating people like doormats. We recognize these problems. Requesting a Cash Offer on your property often subjects you to "the salesperson experience," as if you're on a damn used car lot. We are different. We have streamlined our entire process to ensure we never waste your time. 

  • Our Offer Won't Change:  Unlike websites and fake investors that give you an online "offer" and then change it later, we are a True Cash Buyer, local to Montgomery and the surrounding counties, and we're 100% ready to close on the Cash Sale Price we provide.

  • We Use Simple & Easy To Understand Agreement: The only purpose of added complexity is to disguise and or hide the truth. Our standard agreement is just 3.5 pages long. And uses simple, easy to understand English (no exhausting legal speak) to outline the price and terms of the agreement. You can preview it here and please ask if something is unclear or not understood. When your Cash Offer Price is provided in writing, too, every detail will be reviewed with you as well. 

Step 2 - We will start with our Highest & Best Price

If you like to negotiate on price, you're welcome to do so, but we won't. We never negotiate on price because, right out of the gate, we give you the absolute highest price we can afford to pay for your property. I could be wrong, but I don't think anybody likes negotiating. There is no lengthy back and forth with us. We don't have time for it. And we're guessing you don't enjoy that process, either. That said, our only focus is to serve the Sellers we work with. So, if you need to negotiate on timing, or maybe you need a rent back situation, etc., we are happy to discuss those options and accommodations. 

Step 3 - We provide you with Proof of our ability to perform

The regret that almost every Seller makes is accepting an offer from an investor that they didn't properly vet. There are so many pretenders, fakes, and con artists in this industry, I beg you to do your homework. 

  • Verify each investors' Funds: Always ask to see their Proof of Funds and their last 5-10 projects. Most of the investors that a Seller will talk to when requesting a cash offer are not True Cash Buyers. Instead, they are wholesalers. These are unnecessary middlemen that try to squeeze money out of the middle of a transaction, between the Seller and a True Cash Buyer, which eats into your profits. So, the fastest means to find out whether an investor is a True Cash Buyer vs. wholesaler is to ask 1) can I see your Proof of Funds and 2) ask to see their last 5 to 10 projects. 

  • ​Verify each investors' Character Always ask to see and to understand how they are impacting the Community and ask for References. Through ImpactClub® Frederick, the philanthropic mission of Maryland House Partners, more than $2.5 million has been donated to local charities. Upon request, we're happy to provide you with References, too, from recent Sellers that have worked with us. Unlike most, we have nothing to hide and we want you to see that. Working with Maryland House Partners is 100% transparent process and the choice to impact the community and local charities. 

Step 4 - We believe in working together

Historically, much to the detriment of the real estate industry, the relationship between the buyer and seller has become a combative sport. Real estate agents like to claim "how hard" they fight for their client. This has created the consensus that you need to be a "tough negotiator" to get the best deal. As mentioned, we don't negotiate. We are 100% transparent with our numbers. We work for you to get you the highest Cash Sale Price that we can possibly afford to pay you. Unlike a retail buyer we have no emotional involvement. As a True Cash Buyer, we are driven solely by the numbers and ARV: After Renovation Value. For this reason, we work together with each Seller, as a team, not as the enemy or opposition, to learn as much as we can about the property to understand the property's highest future value. This way we can pay each Seller the highest price. We have no interest in paying you $20K less than another investor.  Because, if we can afford to, and it comes down to the numbers, we want to pay you $20K more. 

Step 5 - Here's the information we need to move forward

We can close in 7 to 14 days, providing you with the highest Cash Sale Price possible, with no inspection. No closing costs. No appraisal. And 100% "as is," providing a fast, efficient, and frustration-free experience. But, in order to do that, we need your help to get our Internal Funding Department the information they need to determine your Cash Offer Price. Please keep in mind, the questions asked are so we can qualify your property for the highest 'Cash Sale Price' possible. 

Two Options To Submit Information: 

  • Schedule a Phone Appointment - Text "phone appt" to 240-222-1700 

  • Submit Online​ - Using the form below

All Submitted Information Is Confidential & only used by Maryland House Partners and your account representative to qualify your property for the highest 'As-Is Cash Sale Price' with our internal funding department...

Before You Complete This Form

This Form only takes a few minutes to complete, but provides us everything needed to qualify your property for the highest 'Cash Sale Price' possible. In return for answering these questions, we promise a no-bullshit experience - does that work?

We have millions of dollars to deploy to buy properties. And because of this, and because there are lots of properties to buy, we choose to only do business with good people who understand what teamwork and mutual respect are. We understand that the real estate industry is full of jerks, assholes, liars, which causes Sellers to respond accordingly. We get it! But we are different. We respect you. We respect your time. And because of this we only work with Sellers who respect us, too, so we can work together as a team to achieve a win-win - does that work for you?

Help Us To Understand The Future Value

PLEASE UNDERSTAND - Because we are an investment company, the way we make our money is to buy properties that need to be updated and renovated.  We renovate them completely to HGTV/Pinterest level showcase homes. Then we resell them for a profit. Some houses need just a few renovations. Others need a complete overhaul. We buy every kind of property. And we're able to pay more for these kinds of properties, ones that need updating, more than any other True Cash Buyer, because we have dialed in every aspect of our investment operation. In other words, we are extremely cost efficient & effective at what we do. This means we know our numbers. We don't make mistakes. And once we learn about your property and, more specifically, the future potential value "After Repairs," our internal funding department can approve your property for the highest Cash Sale Price possible - sound like a plan? 

Why are you looking to sell to an investor As-Is versus a Realtor traditional sale? Most of the Sellers we work with have considered both options, but in the end choose us because of Convenience, Speed, and Certainty. No inspections. No appraisal issues. No cleaning or renovations needed. No financing contingencies. Nobody coming through the house. No long closing process. No agent commissions. No fees, etc., because it's fast, easy, headache-free. (But, and so that we can best tailor the purchase agreement to best serve your objective(s), what reason(s) are you looking to sell to an investor As-Is versus a Realtor traditional sale?)

Contact Information

Best time to contact you

Property Information

Additional Information

We need a bit more info about your situation so we can provide you with your options and an instant cash offer.

Please provide as much information as you can, so we can learn more about your property. If you don't have the answers handy for some of the fields below, just leave them blank for now.

Your Situation



Maryland House Partners
14732 Chisholm Landing Way

North Potomac, MD 20878

[email protected]

Call or Text Your Questions: 

‪(240) 222-1700

Maryland House Partners is a company that purchases, rehabs, and then sells houses at a profit. Offers are made to sellers based on market value and repairs needed. Maryland House Partners will do everything possible to bring forth the highest possible offer to give the seller the most benefit from dealing with a fast sale.

Founding Member, Nick Chaconas, is a licensed (#584187) Real Estate Agent in MD

©2021 Maryland House Partners


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